Resources & Links
Patriot Academy (Rick Green)
Mission: To equip and educate a generation of citizen leaders to champion the cause of freedom and truth in every sector of society, as we help restore our Constitutional Republic and the Biblical principles that cause a Nation to thrive.
Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to end human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of biomedical research and commercial products. - Companies that have been reported as operating contrary to Biblical and Constitutional values: Companies (A-E) Companies (F-M) Companies (N-Z)
Truth For Health Foundation | 501C3 Health Care, Education and Legal Assistance
- America’s Future America’s Future is the nation’s leader in the fight to preserve American values and ideals, protect the nation’s Constitutional Republic, promote strong American families, revitalize the role of faith in our society, and advance the virtues of free market capitalism.
- The Coordinated Effort to Silence Speech (Diagram)
- Million Voices Voter Guides
- Pacific Justice Institute non-profit legal defense organization.
- WallBuilders Helping Americans remember and preserve the true history of our great nation
- The America Project Defending freedom. All the latest upholding rights, congressional newest voting information on at
- Tracking U.S. Congress to make our government more open and accessible.
- Daily Devotional Kenneth Copeland Ministries daily devotional
1. "The Art Club" on YouTube - gay agenda in the schools. Protect your children.
2. "Letter to the American Church" by Eric Metaxes. Church must stand up before it's too late!
3. Capital Punishment Movie, Everything they told you about Jan. 6, 2020 is a lie.